API Reference

getEmaPrice (deprecated)

Get the latest exponentially weighted moving average (EMA) price object for the requested price feed ID.

Note: We recommend using getEmaPriceNoOlderThan() instead of this endpoint as it gives more flexibility to specify the maximum age of the price.


This method returns the latest price object containing exponentially-weighted moving average price for the requested price feed ID. The price object contains the following fields:

  1. price: The latest EMA price of the price feed.
  2. conf: The confidence level of the price feed.
  3. expo: The exponent of the price feed.
  4. publishtime: The time when the price feed was last updated.

Sample price object:

price: 123456789n,
conf: 180726074n,
expo: -8,
publishTime: 1721765108n

The price above is in the format of price * 10^expo. So, the price in above mentioned sample represents the number 123456789 * 10(-8) = 1.23456789 in this case.

Error Response

The above method can return the following error response:

  • StalePrice: The on-chain price has not been updated within the last getValidTimePeriod() seconds. Try calling updatePriceFeeds() to update the price feed with the latest price.
  • PriceFeedNotFound: The requested price feed has never received a price update or does not exist. Try calling updatePriceFeeds() to update the price feed.


import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";
address contractAddress =
IPyth pyth = IPyth(contractAddress);
bytes32 priceId = /* <id> */;
PythStructs.Price memory currentBasePrice = pyth.getEmaPrice(priceId);