API Reference


Get the last updated price object for the requested price feed ID. Caution: This function may return a price from arbitrarily in the past


This method returns the price object containing last updated price for the requested price feed ID.

This function may return a price from arbitrarily far in the past. It is the caller's responsibility to check the returned publishTime to ensure that the update is recent enough for their use case. If you need the latest price, update the price using updatePriceFeeds() and then call getPrice().

The price object contains the following fields:

  1. price: The latest price of the price feed.
  2. conf: The confidence level of the price feed.
  3. expo: The exponent of the price feed.
  4. publishtime: The time when the price feed was last updated.

Sample price object:

price: 123456789n,
conf: 180726074n,
expo: -8,
publishTime: 1721765108n

The price above is in the format of price * 10^expo. So, the price in above mentioned sample represents the number 123456789 * 10(-8) = 1.23456789 in this case.

Error Response

The above method can return the following error response:

  • StalePrice: The on-chain price has not been updated within the last getValidTimePeriod() seconds. Try calling updatePriceFeeds() to update the price feed with the latest price.
  • PriceFeedNotFound: The requested price feed has never received a price update or does not exist. Try calling updatePriceFeeds() to update the price feed.


import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";
address contractAddress =
IPyth pyth = IPyth(contractAddress);
bytes32 priceId = /* <id> */;
PythStructs.Price memory currentBasePrice = pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceId);